Monday, May 21, 2018

The Colors We Make by Chelsea Maria

The Colors We Make by Chelsea Maria
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The change in the four seasons can prompt changes in us as human beings and the world around us. For Milan Butler, the change in the seasons meant her days of juggling books and late-night studying concluded and she would graduate from law school. Following in her Mother’s footsteps, Milan pushed her dreams of becoming a psychologist aside and picked up the gavel. Needing to release the frustration of not having the courage to take control over her life, she seeks comfort in the arms of not one but two men. 
Open the dictionary and look up loyalty and sacrifice. There, you will find a picture of Hendrix Gordon. Owning one of the largest paper and printing outsourcing companies in South Florida, Hendrix and his family lived a life of many luxuries. A late night of celebration caused Hendrix to make a decision that would later shift his entire empire. After spending seven years in prison for taking the rap for a loved one, Hendrix is a free man with one goal – take back everything snatched from him. 
After crossing paths with Milan, Hendrix knew from the moment her brown eyes lit up from seeing his drawing that she was the one for him, but when is love ever that easy? Giving into the desires of her heart, Milan takes a chance on Hendrix and soon realizes that the colors he painted on paper matched the array of colors he brought into her life. Will the colors they create together brush into a portrait worth hanging, or will the oil and water of their structure not mix and cause their colors to run dry?

Review + Rating
4 out of 5 stars
Their love was intense, almost to the point of stopping. I wasn't quite prepared for the Godly, intense love that would find Milan and Hendrix together.

Milan lives the life her parents have created for her. College, law school, work with her Mother. It's all set up, and Milan hates it. She's sleeping with her professor and only dreams of helping others. 

Hendrix just did a seven-year bid. He's just trying to put everything behind him--and move forward. 

In his process of moving forward--and hoping to shorten his probation period--he signs up to meet with a psychologist--and that psychologist is Milan.

In their first meeting, they know--that they are one for the other--and the trip it takes to get there, is fiery, fast--and earth-shattering.

Milan was something else. I was afraid her familial obligations--and her fear of all things that Hendrix was providing would destroy the love they were creating.

But, no Hendrix--being the bomb man he is--stood firm and solid while she was wavering. AND if that is not a man of God, I don't know what it is.

I really enjoyed Hendrix's dedication to his family--his goals in life--and later Milan.

His love for her was almost otherworldly. I could only hope to be loved like this in my life.

It was incredibly intense, patient--and at times I just didn't understand it. But, he loved her enough--until she was able to fully love and appreciate him, and then herself.

As for a plot, there's no absolute conclusive place that the book needed to get to.

But the ending was satisfying--and complete for their story.

The writing was decent. The characters were solid and convincing. Readers will honestly enjoy, going on this love journey with Hendrix and Milan. I know I did.

I'm intrigued to see more of what this author has to offer. Recommended!

Friday, May 18, 2018

Leverage & Love Series by Grey Huffington


Wilde & Reckless by Grey (Leverage & Love, #1)


Wilde Roads was dealt an evil hand in life, but is attempting to make the best of her situation without complaints or the need for recognition. Her story plays out the same each day with caring for her sickly son being top priority. The lack of insurance has her up to the neck in medical bills, which encourages to Wilde to pursue a life outside of the one she’d imagined for each of them. 

Some nights are wild. 

Others are reckless. 

But, the night that she encounters Jhalil Hanover, mayor of the city, Wilde falls victim to both. 


Wilde & Relentless (Leverage & Love, #2)

He told me if he had the choice, he’d choose me every time. 
Wilde Roads. 


Months after their 24-hour encounter, thoughts of Wilde are still in heavy rotation. While Jhalil has made efforts to suppress his desires for the damsel in distress, his efforts prove useless when an unsuspecting visit catapults them both into familiar territory -laced with lust, agonizing desperation, emotional comfort and fulfillment beyond one’s imagination. 

Exotic dancer and Mayor of Channing City seems like the perfect scandal to bring a screeching halt to Jhalil Hanover’s reign. Yet, not even the threat of public humiliation could hinder his plans of pursuing Wilde Roads. 

In the steamy continuation of the Leverage and Love Series, Jhalil has no boundaries. 

He’s Wilde. 
He’s Relentless.


Wilde & Restless (Leverage & Love, #3)

Without him, I couldn’t eat. 
Without him I couldn’t sleep. 

Our union was a blessing 

Without him, I was Restless. 


The Leverage & Love series continues with Wilde & Restless. In this follow up, Mayor Hanover and Ms. Roads agreed to part until Wilde felt she was adequate enough to withstand the overflow of love that Jhalil was ready to afford her with. 

But, as we all know, distance makes the heart grow fonder. Wilde holds up her end of the bargain, but finds herself overwhelmed with the restless nights and days that seem to linger without the presence of her loved one. Jhalil, Relentless without shame, succumbs to his urgency to have her at his side once and for all after a brief brush in passing. 

Even the Wilde gets Restless.

Review + Rating
Series: 2.5-3 STARS
Book One: 2 stars
Book Two: 2 1/2 stars
Book Three: 3 stars
If you've read my review for Half and Half then you know I did not like the book. If you did NOT read that review, I did not like the book.

In an effort to give the author a chance to redeem herself, I picked up the Wilde and Reckless series.

Can I just mention how frackin' confusing these covers are, unless you use your bionic eyes to decipher what number you are on at the bottom, you may find yourself in the wrong order?! The covers are only distinguishable as different from the different colors. 

That was crazy annoying.

To be honest, they were slightly, and I mean marginally better, but the writing itself was still lacking--and I don't see myself picking up any more of this author's books. It's just not there for me, on a writing or storytelling level.

Wilde is an exotic dancer, who dances solely for the purpose--of paying her son's extensive medical bills.

One day, on her way out--she's commandeered to dance for the Mayor. The mayor just needs to unwind, and Wilde is exactly what he needs.

Their love rather emotionless focused solely on the explicit physical attraction between the two.

Wilde wants nothing to do with a relationship in any shape or form

Jhalil, wants nothing else but Wilde, despite her resistance. 

It's all kind of written out from there. Girl resists guy. The guy fights for her love, blah, blah, blah.

Book one serves as an introduction to Wilde's life and reasoning and peeks into Jhalil's struggle with being Mayor.

It all happens pretty fast and then it's over--ending on the precipice of a promised relationship.

Book two: The beginning of this had me in a complete state of confusion. I actually went back to Amazon to ensure I hadn't downloaded the wrong number in the series.

But it was a dream sequence that was not signified by a change in font--or even a hint of what was going on. I think the author was going for dramatic effect, but I was just confused.

The story pretty much continues in the same vein of need, and want. 

Look, if a sexual connection is all you need in a book, who are me to judge?

Wilde still fights their connection, but of course, she relents when she realizes she doesn't want to be away from him. 

Book two has the same grammatical issues it does in book one--inconsistent and misused phrases. I don't have the energy to cite them. 

As I mentioned they're not as bad as half and half, but it could've been helped.

Moving right along.

The ending of book two is another melodramatic, cliff-hanger.

Book three finds us at the height of the drama from the ending of book two.

This was by far the better of the three. Real emotion started to show up. While I'm still feeling kind of meh about the story in general, I can give props where they are due.

The third novel although not five-star worthy seemed more flushed out, and solid in comparison to the first two.

Book three is the conclusion to a love, that I was not wholly convinced of, but slightly entertained by.

Without breaking down what each book entails for fear of spoilers. They all follow the same storyline, and in that regard, flow well--aside from that odd beginning in book two. 

While I probably won't bother picking up any more of this author's books, I think there are signs of growth, and there might be something to find here, if you like your romances rough around the edges--and don't mind a lack of romance, but a lot of drama, and sex.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Whirlwind Love by A' Sunnshine


Whirlwind Love by A' Sunnshine
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Twenty-seven-year-old, Pharaoh Sullivan is a jack of all trades in every way imaginable. Although, he’s a loving, caring husband that’s also a great provider, Mr. Sullivan just has one tiny flaw. 

Twenty-four-year-old Trinidad Sullivan is everything a wife should be, and some. Pharaoh is the only man she has ever loved, but what’s a girl to do when she’s fed up with her husband’s foolery. When enough is enough, Trini takes matters into her own hands and start to dish out the same thing that her sweet Pharaoh is doing to her. Being torn between wanting out of her marriage or sticking it out, Trini is lost on what to do. 

When the storm begins to brew a whirlwind of deceit, lies, and betrayal, will Trini and Pharaoh come out together or a part?

Review + Rating
2.5-3 out of 5 stars
I have to admit any expectations I may have had for any of the books I've picked up this last week, have dropped to nothing. 

My expectations for this latest read were none. I saw a cover I liked, and a blurb that I breezed over, that seemed decent enough.

While I wasn't completely blown away. I wasn't completely disappointed either.

My biggest gripe is the writing. It's not that great, considering the flow between the point of views were a little too sharp at times to be considered seamless. 

When books are split between points of view, it needs to flow seamlessly for easy reading. 

Additionally, the characters were kind of assholes. They start off fighting, and they end off fighting. It was like a bad episode of love and hip hop--the streets edition.

The saving grace is that despite the characters dispositions, they weren't that hard to like. I definitely feel like there's something to see here, the author just needs to dig a little deeper. Give the characters a little more depth, a little more substance. 

I don't have a lot of strong feelings towards this novel either way. BUT, boy did that cover get me? Lookin' like a cute contemporary, when it houses nothing but ratchet characters doing ratchet things. This is urban fiction, don't be fooled. 

Again, nothing to go crazy over--but a decent enough time filler.

The ending is a cliff-hanger, so expect more shenanigans at some point in the future.

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Falling For A Black Billionaire by Bianca


Falling For a Black Billionaire by Bianca
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I hated rich men. 
They are all arrogant and think you are supposed to bow down to them. 
Until I was accosted by Travis. 
Travis Spencer III: Handsome, extremely wealthy, and very smart. 
He dates women that are extremely beautiful and equally as rich, and I am way out of his league. 
Our one night together was a complete mistake. 
I promised my family that I would leave the younger ladies alone, but then I ran into Kriss. 
Kriss was everything I never knew I needed. 
How dare she thinks that we are non-compatible? 
After our one night together, I wanted more and I was going to get it... by any means necessary.

Review + Rating
3 out of 5 stars
There's a way to write insta-love to both pull the reader in and convince them--that despite the short length of the relationship, that the love is real. 

This is a hard task.

This novel is an insta-love story, no doubt about it, and while, it didn't lack speed, passion, and sex--it lacked depth.

There's a lot that happens in the beginning, the initial meeting, the sex, and the declarations of like, which quickly led to love.

I didn't have many gripes about the characters themselves, as I've read many novels with the same types.

Travis is a billionaire, who is used to having women flock to him in droves. His attitude is demanding and entitled--not unlike many billionaires in romance novels.

Kriss was smart-mouthed, outspoken, and had little to no filter, but was educated--and just looking for a job so she could leave her current job at a bar that caters to the rich.

This is where she meets Travis--well not before she walks over his car, on the way to visit her father.

Don't ask. 

Their first real encounter is like a head-on collision, dramatic and fast.

I didn't particularly like, Travis' initial reactions or articulated impressions of Kriss.

He refers to hear as a ghetto, loud, big-haired, and proceeds to want to tame her, "black ass." All of which rubbed me the wrong way.

Not to mention Kriss' description of her physical appearance, she goes on to describe her appearance in unnecessarily verbose detail. She explains the length of her hair as being attributed to not being "fully black," and I cannot tell you how much this grinds my gears. Especially coming from us.

Do better.

Aside from that my only other complaints were the lack of depth mentioned before, the novel could've benefited from being lengthier. AND the over-explaining. Show don't always tell.

It makes sections of the novel cumbersome.

The novel is pretty decent. It has characters that you can find yourself invested and interested in--despite the overall flaws.

While I would've liked more emotion, I was satisfied with the story in general.

I won't be climbing to the tops of any mountains to shout about it, but I would recommend it to readers who love romance, and the billionaire trope. 

Just don't expect too much emotion out of it.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Fifteen Years Delayed by Angelia Vernon Menchan


Fifteen Years Delayed by Angelia Vernon Menchan
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Fifteen Years Delayed is a love story. James Broadnax is sentenced to twenty-five years at age twenty-two, leaving behind his first love, Crea Flournoy. For fifteen years there are no visits or communication, twelve years of James being incarcerated and three years living in another city... 

If you need lots of drama and angst, this isn’t for you. Fifteen Years Delayed is about adults who have been through... and are ready to love and be loved... no gaming. 

James returns to the scene of the crime, so to speak and Crea is still there... 

Fifteen Years Delayed is their story... after reuniting. It is not a story of his incarceration nor is it a story of Crea’s life when they were apart. It’s a love story, not just about them but the people in their lives... it is about what happens when lovers are reunited after fifteen years of delay. 

Review + Rating
2 out of 5 stars
If your romance relies on the throes of passion, and its depth is in the amount of times the characters can have meaningless sex, it's not romance at all. It's erotica with a story line.

James was sentenced to 25 years at the ripe age of 22, leaving behind his one true love, Crea.

Now they're all grown up, and it's fifteen years later.

Crea is a principal at a school. She's educated and has her stuff together.

James has also pursued education in his absence, and currently helps his sister run their shared grocery store. 

But his plans for his life are much bigger--and they include Crea.

Crea puts up a weak baby fight at the idea of getting back with James--although it's obvious in the clenched thighs and dirty thoughts she's far from done with him.

One demand is all it takes to drench her panties and to completely weaken her resolve. 

And it's not long; and I mean not long at all--before they're fully back in the swing of things.

And by swing of things, I mean he's swinging his peen at her at any given opportunity and it's written in aggravating detail--from the wide-open legs, to the levitating off the bed. Yup, I said levitating.

To be honest, there were far too many sex scenes and few too many scenes of substance to consider this a true romance.

But that wasn't even this novel's biggest issue. The biggest and most glaring issue was the structure.

This novel was disconnected, discombobulated, and just an honest mess.

Point of views were scattered between characters, as they appeared in the story, and made the read even more unstructured than it already was.

Chapters or sections, rather, did not mesh or flow well--as they were often indecipherable from another. 

The book was not put together well--and felt more like a bunch of mini stories and moments grouped together--distinguishable by the same characters showing up.

The sex scenes were a few too many and lacked emotion and even sensuality. 

The romance between the characters felt lackluster at best--bonded together by the character's inability to keep their hands off one another.

The conflict was forced at every turn, and over explained down to the most minute, unnecessary detail.

This book made me cringe and I'm just glad to be done with it, to be quite honest.

While I wouldn't recommend this read, I'm sure there are a group of readers who will enjoy venturing through the maze of this second-chance romance.

Friday, May 11, 2018

A Holliday Sisters Novellette Series Review


Noelle the First by by Nicole Falls

Despite sharing a birthday with the holiday, Christmas just wasn't Noelle's thing. As a kid she had been in love with the holiday, but adult Noelle just saw it as another day to get through. 

Jay has moved back home after a breakup and is looking to reconnect with his childhood bestie. Cooking up a scheme to get her in the holiday spirit with her sisters, he's determined to bring back to the old Noelle. 

With a combination of nostalgia, Christmas magic and a little bit of mistletoe, Noelle the First is a tale of old friends finding their way back to each other and more.


Brave Hearts by Nicole Falls

Despite sharing a birthday with the holiday, Christmas just wasn't Noelle's thing. As a kid she had been in love with the holiday, but adult Noelle just saw it as another day to get through. 

Jay has moved back home after a breakup and is looking to reconnect with his childhood bestie. Cooking up a scheme to get her in the holiday spirit with her sisters, he's determined to bring back to the old Noelle. 

With a combination of nostalgia, Christmas magic and a little bit of mistletoe, Noelle the First is a tale of old friends finding their way back to each other and more.
 Faced with the possibility of losing one of her closest friends, Valora Holliday finds herself 

In the very unique position of offering a solution to his problem and a way for her friend to remain in her life. 

Francisco Mora is blindsided with a clerical error that places life as he knows it in the balance. When Valora offers the perfect solution to get him out of this jam, he’s hesitant, thinking it’ll ruin their bond. 

But, what's a little marriage between friends, right?

Started From a Selfie by Nicole Falls

Despite sharing a birthday with the holiday, Christmas just wasn't Noelle's thing. As a kid she had been in love with the holiday, but adult Noelle just saw it as another day to get through. 

Jay has moved back home after a breakup and is looking to reconnect with his childhood bestie. Cooking up a scheme to get her in the holiday spirit with her sisters, he's determined to bring back to the old Noelle. 

With a combination of nostalgia, Christmas magic and a little bit of mistletoe, Noelle the First is a tale of old friends finding their way back to each other and more.
 Faced with the possibility of losing one of her closest friends, Valora Holliday finds herself 

In the very unique position of offering a solution to his problem and a way for her friend to remain in her life. 

Francisco Mora is blindsided with a clerical error that places life as he knows it in the balance. When Valora offers the perfect solution to get him out of this jam, he’s hesitant, thinking it’ll ruin their bond. 

But, what's a little marriage between friends, right?
Review + Rating
I am once again completely blown away by this author's works. It's not easy to squeeze depth, romance--true romance, and quality into novellas. It's like trying to get your point across on Twitter--sometimes it takes more than one tweet. But, Falls manages to do so, so effortlessly--that I'm left trying to figure out what sorcery she uses, to pull it off. Because, sis has that juice.

 In book one, Noelle The First, Noelle is the Grinch--hating the holidays--but suffering through them for family, much to her own chagrin. The traditions she once enjoyed, seem lackluster--with both of her parent's now gone.

Unbeknownst to her, her sisters devise a plan, including her long lost friend, Jay to bring back the joy of the holidays--in a twelve days of Christmas-esque way.

 I love the holidays--I think I'd probably remind you of one of the Who's if you'd see me during that time. The decorations, the stores, the lights, the music--all of it--I just love it. So this novel, although not timely--put me in holiday spirit.

It will work for now, even though it's not the holidays. I don't know about you, but, I tend to keep holiday novels for the winter--but this was a pleasant read--in spite of that.

 Because I'll be reviewing three books in one post, I'm just going to talk about the things I liked in the novels, and then give a roundup.

 Noelle--cracked me up, because she kind of reminded me of myself. A hard ass, but sometimes unnecessarily so--questioning things that need no questioning, and struggling to just go with the flow--but all the while keeping a semblance of an open mind.

 She didn't jump into anything quickly--but her apprehension didn't deter the romance that quickly developed.

 Jay was a grown man--but inside was a child that was still crushing on his next door neighbor--but it was really cute. He romanticized the holidays--and I'm still swooning after the finish.

 I think readers will really enjoy getting to know Noelle--her sisters, and watching the romance develop between Noelle, and Jay. Between the nicknames--which by the way are adorable--and the way they interact--you'll be grabbing for book two---before you even finish book one. A solid novella--with all the things you'd look for in a lengthier book.

 Book Two:Brave Hearts Ya'll, what is my beating, bleeding heart? This read really quickly but I absolutely loved it. Valora is about to lose one of her closest friends due to a clerical error on his Visa paperwork. He's at risk of losing his residency in the United States, and on a whim Valora offers marriage as an escape.

When two friends who have never been romantic--find themselves in a romantic situation--all kinds of things happen.

 In a blast to the past, type of story-telling, Valora relays for her sisters the truth behind her and her husband's marriage--and what ensues is both laughter, reality--and down right swooning--at least for me. I swooned.

 It's so easy to imagine you would never marry someone for a green card--but I think the decision would be harder--if you didn't want to lose the person. For Valora--it was that simple.

He was her friend, and she didn't want to see him lose all he worked so hard for.

I absolutely loved getting a peek into how they met, and how they wound up getting married. I don't have much to say on this one, but it was a solid and quick read.

 Book Three: It Started With A Selfie If I had to choose, this was my least favorite of the three--simply because unlike the other novellas, the ending felt a incomplete. I wanted more of their story--I felt like there was more to give.

 Ms. Falls, can you give us a little more of the third Holliday sister?

 I will say I loved how they met. I think I would love being the person that someone finds on social media, hunts down--and falls in love with. I think it's a form of modern day romance.

 This is exactly what happens with the third Holliday Sister, she sees this guy out in public--takes a picture with him in the background--with a hashtag, and gets caught in a simmering media frenzy. The two meet and it's nothing short of romantic.

Of course--it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows--but by the end, despite the fact that I wanted more, I was pretty happy with the story.

 The series as a whole, is humourous, familial, romantic--and all around good reading--but Falls has not failed me yet, so I'm not surprised.

Thursday, May 10, 2018

When Worlds Collide (The Collide Series, Book One) By Millie Belizaire


When Worlds Collide (The Collide Series, Book One) by Millie Belizaire
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Sometimes love comes unexpectedly...

Lauren is a spoiled daddy's girl, brought up under the protection of Miami's elite black society. With a law professor for a mother, and a state attorney for a father, she has been raised to understand the law down to its most fundamental form. She's what they call, in every sense of the term, a Good Girl. As her father prepares to take on the biggest case of his career--going against Miami's most notorious kingpin, Silas Montgomery--tensions begin to rise, and our Good Girl becomes Silas Montgomery's newest target. Now on the radar of the most dangerous man in Miami, Lauren's perfect world goes up in flames. Everyday becomes a constant battle to stay alive.

Kain is about as close to Silas Montgomery as most people can get. Unlike Lauren's world of sheltered ease, his world is dark and dangerous. He's been raised by the code of the streets, hardened by life's harshest lessons. Not many people are out here doing Kain any favors. Especially not the kind of favor he extends to Lauren. Protection--that's what he offers her. Protection from the most dangerous man in Miami.

Lauren and Kain's story is tale of love crossing over to the different side of the tracks. Their's is a tale of what happens when worlds collide.

Review + Rating
4.5 out of 5 stars

This book, ya'll.

Okay, so when the author asked me to review this, I'm like okay cool. Sure.

Absent mindedly accepting--not making any judgements.

But y'all, this book was bomb.

Lauren is well off. Her father is the state's attorney general, and her Mama and twin sis are sadity hoity toity types.

Her father is working on his biggest case yet, a case against the infamous Silas Montgomery--when her twin drags her to a party.

At this party she not only comes face-to-face with a dire situation, but she meets Kain.

Meeting Kain and being face-to-face with a death threat--changes the course of Lauren's life. 

Lauren is an integral if not the focal point of this story, but I need to take a second to talk about my man, Kain.

Y'all. YA'LL.

Kain was everything. While I felt the book could have easily fallen into the upper YA genre, Kain was all man.

At only nineteen, his character was goals. He was the epitome of street and sweet.

His fierce and accessing eyes, strong but quiet personality were just what I needed, after not being too pleased with my latest reads.

I've had to DNF a few--but we won't dwell on that.

Kain would say things, and I would feel like I could just slide out my seat like putty.

"How the hell does he set fireworks off in my insides without so much as a change in his intonation? Does he even realize that he’s doing it?"

This quote about sums up my feelings towards Kain. 

I secretly whispered to Lauren, "Me too, Sis. Me too."

I don't want to give too much away, but you will love Kain for both the obvious things and his flaws.

Lauren was a spoiled princess--but she was neither as weak as she thought she was or as oblivious. 

I admired her strength and resolve. Her character was solid--as was all the characters in this novel--and I'm really intrigued to continue to watch her character grow.

Because obvs, after I finished this I immediately pre-ordered book two, outta' support, and sheer need.

This book was good!

It was well-written, really well written. There was obvious attention to detail, pacing, plot and background. Belizaire didn't just write this book, she WROTE it.

I was fully and wholly impressed with the pacing, writing quality, and plot progression. There was nary a flaw. 

I could go on and on with the why's and the how’s, but this is quality reading--with a clear talent at the helm. 

Just pick up the book, you will not be sorry.

If I had more books like these now, I would be a more avid Urban Fiction reader.

Be prepared for that ending though--cliffhangers ahead. And, I was not prepared. 

I was almost, ALMOST, tempted to beg for book two from the author--but I will suffer just a little longer--as the book will be out at the end of the month.