Will You Still Want Me
By: B. Love
Published: April 15th, 2018
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"The entire time I talked he ate. Seemingly unfazed while I was on the verge of shattering from shame, a broken spirit and crushed pride. I thought it hurt so much because I loved Rodney, but the past six months have shown me that it wasn't my heart that took the biggest beating. It was my pride." - Parker Graham
It took six months for the ice around Parker's heart to freeze. Can Kane warm her up to his love in one week? Or will he be yet another source of pain that causes the ice and disappointment that can only be felt because of love to remain?
By: B. Love
Published: April 15th, 2018
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"The entire time I talked he ate. Seemingly unfazed while I was on the verge of shattering from shame, a broken spirit and crushed pride. I thought it hurt so much because I loved Rodney, but the past six months have shown me that it wasn't my heart that took the biggest beating. It was my pride." - Parker Graham
It took six months for the ice around Parker's heart to freeze. Can Kane warm her up to his love in one week? Or will he be yet another source of pain that causes the ice and disappointment that can only be felt because of love to remain?
Review + Rating
Series: 5 out of 5 stars
Series: 5 out of 5 stars
At just 65 pages, Love, managed to do what a lot of authors cannot accomplish in thrice as many pages.
The first page was like a punch to the jugular.
"This was my first time ever seeing him on the train."
"He had the type of looks like that made you rethink life choices..."
"Finally. Shiny, honey brown eyes stared at me as he licked his lips..."
The author wasted no time attempting to the entice the reader with the pending romance--and I, for one, was not disappointed.
Parker doesn't know Kane. He's a man that just popped up on her train ride one day--enticing her in every way possible without uttering a single word--at least not initially.
Their encounter, their love was like a wrecking ball--fast moving, powerful, out to wreck anything in it's path.
What I really loved about this book was it's ability to be both passionate--and playful in a space where there wouldn't normally be room for development--at least not fully.
But its passion is what really got me, because it evoked the strongest of emotions out of me. I damn near fainted when Kane, got all smooth, velvet chocolate on me.
"What do you know about coming, Parker?"
Why did he have to say my name like that?
Look at me like that?
Feel like that?
"I know I'm a whole wave," I warned hoping that would trip him up long enough for me to come to my senses and leave, but he wasted no time replying with...
"Then let me drown."
Ya'll, come on?
Her words were succinct and powerful. She used each page, and each space for a purpose--and I am thoroughly impressed and moved.
Like, where has this author been all my life?
Her words turned me into noodles, a puddle, mush.
"You might not believe me, but when we locked eyes for the first time on the train I heard the Spirit of God whisper into my heart that you were the one for me. That's why I'll never press you to give me a chance. What's for me will he mine when it's time...including you."

"You don't know how long I've waited to make art of you..." "Can I paint you?"
He meant that literally, and that little scene from Colleen Hoover's book wishes it could be this moment.
My incoherence is showing, as I've reverted to using quotes to explain my feelings. I am honestly surprised and again impressed by the quality of such a short novel.
The characters came together like a tsunami--but did not lack strength--or dimension.
Kane, was just that guy--and Parker's resistance did nothing to deter me--or to take away from my enjoyment of this book.
There was only Kane and Parker--and that was honestly, all I needed.
Final thoughts:Solid read, passionate romance, cataclysmic sex--true, raw evoking of emotions--down right good reading!
Between this, and In Due Time, both are battling for my favorite romance of the year, favorite book of the year, even.
B. Love--wherever you are. Sis, you did that--I implore you to do it again and again.