Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Two Nights in Paris (A Brooks Family Novel, #5 by Delaney Diamond: Black Men in Paris Speaking French? Yes, please.

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Two Nights In Paris A Brooks Family Novel, #5) by Delaney Diamond
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wo nights. One undeniable attraction. 

To prove to his mother that he can be responsible, Stephan Brooks takes a job at her firm and promises to be a better son. But one glimpse of Roselle Parker, her up-and-coming protégé, and all his good intentions disappear. All he has to do is conduct himself in a professional manner, but a trip to Paris with Roselle proves too big of a temptation. 

Roselle knows Stephan Brooks is nothing but trouble. She’s heard the stories, and her brief contact with him confirms they’re all true. But two nights in Paris and her inhibitions crumble beneath his seductive touch. They plan to leave what happened in Paris, in Paris. But the best-laid plans often go awry. 

I haven’t read all the Brook’s Family books, yet. However, this will probably be my favorite. I discovered an emotional side to Delaney, that I feel like I haven’t gotten previously. I’m just an emotion chasing whore, so this is no fault of the author—but this book had an emotional depth that kept me engaged and yearning for what came next.

Roselle is a fashion designer at SJ Fashions, and her role there is one of her greatest joys. She started off under the wing of the matriarch of the Brooks family, and she’s now in charge of two of the lines the family manages. Things are going well. Her aunt is at a nursing home being cared for, and with weekly visits—all is well on the home front.

Stephan is an international playboy—playing with women, love, and life. He’s not tied down to anything, and he’s constantly in trouble. Sylvie has had enough of Stephan, after bailing him out of jail for the last time, she threatens to cut him off, if he doesn’t fix his act. That means no inheritance, nothing, until she feels he’s ready to have it, if ever. 

Agreeing to her terms, Stephan goes to work for his mother. It’s there that he meets Roselle, and though he wants to resist her—he can’t, and it’s on a two-day trip to Paris that his life changes.

Let me tell ya'll, the trip to Paris is by far the best part of the book, but I am bias. There’s something about Paris that I’m drawn to. I hope to get there one day. Anyway, I digress. Stephan and Roselle together in sweet Paris was so dreamy. A black man speaking French does a thing to me. I need to experience this live and in color. I deserve. 

The book as I mentioned is very substantial in the emotion department and I enjoyed that. The romance between Stephan and Roselle are what makes romance books my absolute favorite genre. Readers will enjoy the emotional depth of the book, along with the humor, and the romance found on every single page. The detail and the banter is tres magnifique. 

The family dynamic is strong and the characters are multidimensional. A solid story with a solid romance, a new fave


  1. "emotion chasing whore" - LOL!!!! I just cackled at that quote. I'm loving this cover and the sound of this romance. And a trip to Paris? Who can resist that! I can tell you really enjoyed this book! Great review!
