Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Endgame (The Endgame Trilogy, #1) by Tiye Love ARC Review: This Was A Doozy


Endgame (The Endgame Trilogy, #1) by Tiye Love
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Psychologist Dr. Zoe Broussard has always been a no-nonsense, play by the rules woman until she meets her new client. From the moment the impossibly gorgeous Michael Carson walks into her office, she finds herself dangerously drawn to him and irrevocably hooked. 

Michael is an NFL quarterback with a multimillion dollar contract and a penchant for breaking hearts. He’s used to getting what he wants, and he’s determined to tempt his hot new therapist into exploring the obvious passion between them. Even though there’s another man in her life.
Can Zoe resist Michael’s charms and her growing feelings for him? More importantly, is she willing to risk everything for a man who may not be there tomorrow?

Endgame is the romance-less” story of Michael and his work prescribed psychologist, Zoe.

Zoe and her partner just scored their biggest contract ever. The Gators’ newly inducted quarterback, Michael Carson just signed onto the team. As apart of his on-boarding process, he's required to see a psychologist for the season.

What Zoe intends for good becomes a time of dissension--as she's unable to resist the hot quarterback. Michael was dead set against the sessions before they even began. (At least that's the impression) But, once he lays eyes on Zoe—he’s prepared to give more than just his deepest darkest secrets away.

I didn't get the impression that this would be an insta-love novel, but that's exactly what I got. It was instalove with all its parts: instant lust, instant love--giving me instant nausea.

Zoe’s characters was a doozy. She was the angel and the devil on the shoulder; all wrapped into one.  Zoe struggled ad nauseam, between maintaining the career she spent so much time building or satisfying her libido.

Though she winds up satisfying her libido, Zoe spends an agonizing amount of time going back and forth between choices. Because of the back and forth, the book was weighted down with indecision.

Her friends went back and forth just as much as Zoe did—causing even more confusion. It was mind-numbing how difficult it was to narrow down a single choice—did she want a career or Michael? While no woman should have to choose between a career or love, Zoe did.

She lost big time. 

Michael is the average overly attractive MC. His teeth sparkle. His dimples are deep—and his clothes fit perfectly against his chiseled body.

Not to be overly critical, but Michael was as deep as a kiddie pool. His arguments were lackluster and lacked the depth to stick. His flirtations were unconvincing and misogynistic. 

His bravado demeanor was not unlike many other characters of this type, but delivery made a world of a difference. 

Michael often said and did things that would make any woman cringe. I’m not above “unlikable” characters, but they have to be likeable unlikable. There has to be something that pulls the reader towards the character. But, Michael fluctuated between his emotions as often as Zoe did; like hot flashes during menopause—they came and went.

While I didn’t care for either of the main characters or the supporting characters—the real issue was in the storytelling.

The novel moved too quickly between the intro, the conflict, and the climax—leaving a large chunk of the book struggling to carry on.

The last half of the book contained too much discord. It was very "he loves me, he loves me not," and I was ready for the petals to run out. 

The book is also inconsistent; giving back story in lackluster rushed detail far too late in the story.

I don’t want to be completely negative. To be honest—there was nothing I liked about the novel, though I gave the book an honest try.

The characters were wishy-washy and undependable. These types usually work best for mysteries or thrillers where the plot itself should slip through your fingers for effect.

The plot was shaky and the romance and the sex were cringeworthy. The insistence on having unprotected sex with a stranger; who's already in a relationship is irresponsible and risky—and dealt with too nonchalantly.

I will not tell you, the reader, don't read it—but beware. It won’t be a long trip, but it will feel like it. If I had to grade this book I’d fail it—but it would have the opportunity for a retake exam. 

1 comment:

  1. I definitely don't think this would be for me either. Great honest review.
